Thursday, November 3, 2011


Can you beLIEVe it? My hair color is now my hair color. BACKSTORY, in 7th grade, I begged my mother for highlights in order to avoid looking like an adult and not a cherub. I received $100 in a Winnie-the-Pooh card and became a blonde. Twelve years and approximately The Cost of Supporting a Family of 4 later, I have decided this is maybe a silly way to define myself.
This is who I really am!
Oh, whoops. That's Taylor Swift looking richly dark blonde. My bad!
That's me, in my mouse glory. Sometimes I even wear a bathrobe.
Now just you wait while I grow out all my body hair and transition to Fur Poncho Only.


  1. you're still the prettiest thing i ever did see.

  2. My most common traffic source comes from people looking for "taylor swift dark blonde" and "grow out body hair." The popularity of this entry is entirely unexpected and bizarre.
