Though I have been a happy vegetarian for many years*, I am pretty sure food needs cheese to be good. A while back I did a 5-month experiment with veganism that left me angry, often unsatiated, and about ten pounds lesser than prior. I must remind myself of two things:
1) For two of those months I was at a summer program living in a dorm with not much to call a kitchen, and
2) That was before I knew that greek yogurt existed.
While I don't plan on veganism, I would like to make a short foray into cheeselessness, because come on, bacterialized cow breast milk? Yuck.
So here goes! The cheeseless fortnight. I christen thee with a meatless, cheeseless, creamless burrito.
*Except for one time in 2007 when I found a chunk of chicken at the bottom of a "vegetarian" cup of vegetable soup. Thanks, Milltown!
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