Monday, October 24, 2011

Crazy New Diet Plan

I promise this won't be that blog that turned into a stupid food blog, but I really must lay forth my Crazy Diet Plan!
  • Don't really buy a lot of groceries. Face it, you're pretty Low Income, as they say. Buy a can of beans and a box of rice; you don't like those foods. Work with it!
  • Step 2: Okay, buy some food. Guacamole and spinach makes a tasty fake salad. You don't know how to make that block of tofu go from tasting like cat food to tasting like people food, so don't worry about it!
  • Go running until you destroy your left foot, but definitely take care to not complain about that, except to a four year old when he asks why you're limping.
  • Go to the fair. Meet Santa Claus, and also have a funnel cake while watching the fireworks!
Guaranteed results after two weeks!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Google is Seriously Ugly

Get your aesthetics together, Google.
The singleonly reason I don't use google reader is because there is no good way to make it as pretty as looking at blogs/newssources themselves. One could argue that, in the case of design blogs, layout is as integral a part of the reading experience as the content itself, and Google reader swiftly inserts its sabot into the machinery of a pretty reading experience.

Keep making your design better, Google, and maybe stop asking me if I like it all the time. That's sort of like if I went up to strangers and asked, "Hey, do you like my lipstick? I will keep wearing it if you do. Hey, do you like my pants? I made them for you to enjoy!" Super douchey, right?


Yeah, the results are in: food definitely needs cheese to be good. Got to like day 5 and ate some pizza. Tried again and ate a queso-dilla. WHATEVER, yum, moldy, cultured cow breastmilk.

But you know what? No Sugar No Vember is coming up pretty soon, I hear in like 2 weeks, so I can be "dedicated" to my "cause" and "feel better about my diet" then.